David Bentley Hart on ‘America’

Gustave Doré - Pantagruel's meal (1854).jpg

‘America — with its decaying infrastructure, its third-world public transit, its shrinking labor market, its evaporating middle class, its expanding gulf between rich and poor, its heartless health insurance system, its mindless indifference to a dying ecology, its predatory credit agencies, its looming Social Security collapse, its interminable war, its metastasizing national debt and all the social pathologies that gave it a degenerate imbecile and child-abducting sadist as its president — remains the only developed economy in the world that believes it wrong to use civic wealth for civic goods. Its absurdly engorged military budget diverts hundreds of billions of dollars a year from the public weal to those who profit from the military-industrial complex. Its plutocratic policies and libertarian ethos are immune to all appeals of human solidarity. It towers over the world, but promises secure shelter only to the fortunate few’.

– David Bentley Hart, ‘The New York Yankees Are a Moral Abomination’. The New York Times, 14 July 2018.

[Image: Gustave Doré, ‘Pantagruel’s meal’ (1854)]


  1. We all know had the globalist war-monger won, Mr. Hart would not have typed a similar screed. We know this.


  2. Rob:
    You’re quite wrong. Hart is no fan of Hillary, and is no fan of the Democratic Party. You obviously don’t know whom you’re talking about.


  3. Of all the US presidents of my lifetime, Donald Trump is – sadly – the most attuned to the need to destroy the evils Hart mentions. To criticize the president is necessary, but to treat him as worse than his recent prædecessors is farcical.


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