A wee update on ‘Hallowed Be Thy Name’

I was deeply encouraged this morning to discover that Professor Murray Rae has penned the following review/endorsement of one of my forthcoming books, Hallowed Be Thy Name: The Sanctification of All in the Soteriology of P. T. Forsyth (T&T Clark):

In this fine book Jason Goroncy engages in a critical and appreciative assessment of the theological work of P.T. Forsyth by directing our attention to the ways in which Forsyth understands divine action in terms of the Lord’s prayer’s first petition. This focus serves well the task of exploring the richness of Forsyth’s work. Goroncy’s beautifully crafted prose and astute theological judgement combine in a compelling case that Forsyth deserves to be reckoned with still.

I have just learned too that the book is scheduled for publication in March next year.


  1. For readers of Forsyth’ s publications a publishers announcement of a new book on Forsyth being released in the distant future followed up by an astonishingly positive review does truly test ones patience and wets ones appetite. Looking forward to its release Jason.


  2. James, I’m very pleased to alert you to an additional forthcoming book on Forsyth coming out next year, edited with an extended intro by yours truly – ‘”Descending on Humanity and Intervening in History”: Notes from the Pulpit Ministry of P.T. Forsyth’ (Pickwick Publications). More details to come in due course.


  3. beautifully crafted prose and astute theological judgement…. He obviously knows you!

    I think I’ve said similar things about your writing … Rae is totally right about this, as is Hamill, of course!


  4. Not before time. The world needs more good books on Forsyth! And yours is a good one and then some. Consider one of them pre-ordered :) Hope you are well Jason – and your family, shalom the noo, Jim


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