Who said it?

william-blake-sketch-of-the-trinity-2Time again for another ‘Who said it?’ competition. From whose mouth/pen did the following words come:

God’s trinitarian history for us makes him what he is for himself. There is no immanent Trinity supratemporally ‘behind’ God’s temporal, worldly history, so that he would be who he is independently of this history. This history is who he is.

Closing on Tuesday. No cheating.

[Note: I’ve had to repost this because for some strange reason the comments were off. Apologies to those who wanted to cast a vote but were unable. You can do so now. And I’ve extended the closing date: it’s now Tuesday.]

… and the answer is?


  1. The fact that it uses the phrase “trinitarian history” means that its definitely something modern. Or is it? Moltmann say stuff like this all over the place, but I’m going to go out on a crazy limb and say Joachim of Fiore.


  2. Yeah, the first sentence is what makes this so hard. I can’t see Jenson saying this, but the language strikes me as Jensonian. For a second I thought Balthasar, but that can’t be. We’re either dealing with a process theologian, as Ben says, or perhaps with Eberhard Jüngel.


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